Fluorescent Trouble Lights and Nuclear Plant Work Don't Mix

Posted by Cam Abernethy on

I have been working in the nuclear power industry for over 23 years. I have been involved in numerous projects from installing steam generator nozzle dams to robotic removal of highly radioactive waste from sites.  During these projects, lighting plays a critical role in the success of the project.

Nuclear project factors effected by lighting performance:

  • Personal Safety
  • Keeping project dose low – ALARA
  • Quality of work
  • Human performance errors
  • Maintain Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) Areas
  • Video Inspections
  • Time to complete tasks

Fluorescent Stick Lights have been used in the nuclear power industry for decades. If you are an outage worker, you probably have broken many during your career. Why? Because you are careless? No. It is because the Fluorescent Stick Lights do not survive during basic industrial work activities. If they do happen to survive the work task, they won’t survive after the outage in the container storage environment with heavy gauge extension cords, hoses, scaffolding, and other equipment piled on top of them.

Improve your nuclear plant quality of work while increasing personnel safety. Ditch the glass tube lights and buy the heavy duty light made for your work environment while providing twice the amount of light. LED Stick Lights – The Ultimate Trouble Light

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